How ControlZ with its Renewed Smartphones is Helping E-Waste Reduction!

In a world captivated by the allure of new technology, the idea of upgrading to the latest smartphone model is undeniably tempting. But the constant pattern of purchasing and throwing away electronic devices is creating a huge impact on carbon footprint. Understanding how this is bad for the environment, one company is changing things to take better care of the Earth. Meet ControlZ, a new startup from Gurugram which is helping Earth by making old smartphones new again and stopping electronic trash!

In this special story from The Inspiring Chapters, we’re showing you how ControlZ is changing how we use and throw away smartphones. What they’re doing to make old smartphones useful again is really impressive.

ControlZ Founder Yug Bhatia
ControlZ and its Vision to Bridge the Gap

The excitement of getting new and shiny smartphones sometimes makes us forget how it can harm the environment. Embracing pre-owned phones might seem like a sensible choice for eco-conscious individuals. However, worries about how used smartphones will look and work can often stop people from wanting to buy them. Pre-owned devices frequently bear the marks of their previous users in the form of scratches and dents. The battery life of smartphones also diminishes after a few years of usage.

Stepping into the fray with a mission to minimize e-waste, Yug Bhatia, a 21-year-old visionary, founded ControlZ in June 2020. This startup from Gurugram is working to bring old smartphones back to life. They carefully and thoroughly work on them to make them feel new again.

Yug Bhatia started his journey because he really loved smartphones and cared a lot about sustainable practices. Inspired by his family’s values and the global events of 2020, including the pandemic, Bhatia set out to harness the untapped potential of the pre-owned smartphone market. He wanted to connect people affordably while also being kind to the environment. By repurposing and renewing old smartphones, ControlZ aims to address both economic and ecological concerns.

The key differentiator between pre-owned phones and ControlZ’s renewed smartphones lies in the depth of refurbishment. While basic refurbishment involves minor part replacements to render the device functional for resale, ControlZ goes above and beyond by focusing on comprehensive component-level renewal.

The Renewal Process of ControlZ

When a used smartphone arrives at ControlZ’s Renew Hub in Gurugram, it embarks on a transformative journey. The device goes through quality numerous checks using high-tech machines and the knowledge of expert engineers. From battery replacement to camera calibration, sound optimization, and motherboard check, every aspect is meticulously scrutinized and renewed. They keep around 80% of the original parts when they fix the device, so it still feels like the same device but works even better.

The ultimate aim of ControlZ is simple yet powerful. It is to enhance the lifespan of smartphones thereby reducing the carbon footprints involved in manufacturing a new smartphone.

Towards a Greener Tomorrow

ControlZ really cares about the environment. They show it not just by fixing devices, but also by how they operate their business. The company acknowledges that refurbishment does have a carbon footprint, yet this footprint is much less in comparison to the environmental cost of producing new devices. Studies indicate that refurbishing emits 80% less carbon and utilizes 85% less energy than manufacturing new smartphones. When people pick renewed devices, they help make less electronic trash thereby causing less harm to the environment.

As ControlZ thinks about the future, it wants to do more than just what it’s doing now. The company wants to make the process of renewing things fully automatic, so everything works faster and without mistakes. The Renew Hub really cares about being eco-friendly, and it is evident from how it’s built. They use solar power and do rainwater harvesting in their office. They even used bamboo to make the building. ControlZ wants to implement new ideas and work efficiently to create a more eco-friendly world of technology.

The Road Ahead for ControlZ

In a world that values both technological advancement and environmental responsibility, ControlZ stands at the intersection of these two priorities. The startup with its hardworking team and visionary leadership has already fixed up and sold lots of devices. This is really changing the market for used smartphones. The company claimed to have renewed over 50,000 units of smartphones within a year of its inception.

Thinking about the future, ControlZ wants to raise investments to make its work bigger. They want to scale up their facility and operations. It want to leave a big mark on the market for used smartphones.

ControlZ is doing a noble job. It is changing the way how we use smartphones to help the environment. With every renewed device, ControlZ is taking a step closer to a world with reduced e-waste and a sustainable future!


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